Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A woman who doesn't work here brought me a GIFT!

On June 1st I will have a new Consultant to support. I have been working with one Consultant since 2007 and he is retiring at the end of June. My new Boss is a Lady. Normally I have a hard time supporting women. I don't know if it's because we can't bullshit a woman with PMS days off or if it's because they earned success and why can't *I* do the same? It's like women bosses hold women assistants to a higher standard. Truth be told, I'd probably do the same.

This morning my retiring boss came in with a card for ME for Admin. Assistants day. HUH?? In 4 years this is the first AA Day card he's ever given me. Inside the card was moooolah. Oh how I LURVE moooolah. Not that anyone probably hates it. But unEXPECTED money? Oh's right up there with multiple orgasms. I will be having very gorgeous and sexy toes by this weekend. Thanks Steve!!

A couple of minutues ago, my new incoming boss "AK" stopped by to see me. She doesn't even work here yet and she GIFTED me! "So, I don't really know you and we'll get to all that, but I wanted to bring something by for Assistants day." She gave me a very tasteful plaque that reads "Live. Laugh. Love." If she had any idea that THIS is my mantra for life, she would have laughed out loud at her own shopping prowess. I am so ZEN that I have tattoeed the word BALANCE on myself 10 times. There's only one thing better she could have brought me: my own Ninja. But I hear those are hard to find.

I feel very spoiled today. Today is a great day to be an EA!

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